Wilhelmina Barns-Graham At Waterhouse & Dodd June 2017

In early 2017 the Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust entered a new relationship with the London and New York art gallery Waterhouse & Dodd. In June of that year the London gallery held its first full exhibition of Wilhelmina Barns-Graham’s paintings, extending from an early gouache of the Minack Cliff Theatre, Porthcurno from 1940 through to the dynamic Scorpio paintings that define her last decade.

The exhibition was very well received and the gallery was able to attract the attention of overseas collectors, particularly from the USA. Having successfully shown Scorpio paintings at Art Wynwood, Miami in February as well as at the subsequent New York art fair it is clear that Wilhelmina Barns-Graham’s paintings can reach beyond historic boundaries, to new, international audiences who are seeing her work for the first time and appreciating what they see. That this would be the case has never been in doubt and it is exciting to have the means now to take her work out into the wider world. This is just the start.

The Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust would like to thank Waterhouse & Dodd for permission to film in their gallery, and particularly to Jamie Anderson for his introduction.