Where to See WBG – April 2018

Three Rocks, 1952, Oil on canvas, Leeds Art Gallery

Now that Spring might be in the air and you may be getting back on the road here is a roundup of places you can see Wilhelmina Barns-Graham (WBG) pictures:

Rock, Pebble, QuarryLeeds Art Gallery; this is the second major display installed since the gallery’s re-opening last year after extensive refurbishment. WBG’s painting on show is Three Rocks from 1952. Runs until Spring 2019.

A New Era: Scottish Art 1900 – 1950 at Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art 2, Edinburgh; runs until 10 June. Has the major glacier painting from the British Council.

If you are heading to the South West, there are five opportunities to find WBG:

Two WBGs from the Royal Cornwall Museum collection are included in Hireth – A Cornish Landscape at the Museum in Truro, which is celebrating the 200th anniversary of its founding as the Royal Institution of Cornwall. Look out for View of St Ives (1947 drawing) and Sea Forms (painting, c1958).

Virginia Woolf: An Exhibition Inspired by Her Writing at Tate St Ives: ends 24 April. Has four paintings including the magnificent Rocks, St Mary’s, Scilly Isles from City Art Centre Edinburgh and The Blue Studio from Fleming-Wyfold Art Foundation.

Modern Art and St Ives at Tate St Ives; continues until the autumn. Three works on display including a wonderful 1953 rock painting – Rock Theme, St Just.

The display of WBG’s 1940s paintings and drawings of St Ives is back on the walls of the Penwith Gallery after their temporary removal. This group of works reveals WBG’s early years in the town and the significance of her training at Edinburgh College of Art.

The Belgrave Gallery in St Ives are exhibiting W Barns-Graham – A Unique Collection of Works on Paper until 23 April. This comprises a unique collection of 10 works on paper held in a private collection since the 1970s when they were purchased direct from the artist. This previously unseen group of the artist’s wave/line works will be of great interest to the many admirers of one of WBG’s signature styles.