WBG at London Art Fair 2018

Brown and Orange, 1972, Oil and acrylic on hardboard, BGT369
For the second year Waterhouse & Dodd are presenting Willie Barns-Graham’s paintings at the renowned annual London Art Fair. The art fair organisers are celebrating their 30th anniversary and we are delighted that Willie is not missing out.
Being showcased this year are two 1970s moving disk pictures – Windblown (Green) (1972-76, oil on hardboard, 35.4 x 35.4 cm, BGT316) and Brown and Orange (1972, oil and acrylic on hardboard, 50.7 x 50.7 cm, BGT369) – which are installed alongside Untitled (Linked Forms Series) (1959-60, oil on canvas, 35.5 x 45.5 cm, BGT1332). Other paintings are to hand.
Waterhouse & Dodd are on Stand 33 which is situated on the mezzanine level of the hall. Willie is hanging alongside works by her friends Denis Mitchell and John Wells, among others by David Bomberg and Alan Davie.
London Art Fair, Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, Islington, London N1 0QH. Opens to the public on Wednesday 17th January and runs until Sunday 21st.

Untitled (Linked Forms Series),1959-60, Oil on canvas, BGT1332

Windblown (Green), 1972-76, Oil on hardboard, BGT316