The Art of Collecting

Summer Painting No. 2, 1985, Oil on canvas, BGT463

The Art of Collecting celebrates the rich and diverse collections of a group of art and artist trusts and foundations – the Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust, the Fleming Collection, Jerwood Collection and Ingram Collection – and tells the history of their creation and how they all work individually and collaboratively today. The exhibition has been organised for The Mall Galleries as part of their Mayfair Art Weekend programme by Selina Skipwith, an independent art consultant and curator who was Director of The Fleming Collection from 1997-2014 and is a Trustee of the Barns-Graham Charitable Trust. The exhibition also shines a spotlight on key works by female artists and showcases a range of the contemporary artist awards and bursaries each organisation runs.

The Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust was established in 1987 by Wilhelmina Barns-Graham, many years before her death in January 2004. The Trust was set up to manage and protect her own legacy, and promote her achievements as a painter, printmaker and draughtsman as well as support others fulfil their potential in art. The Trust regularly makes loans to museums and public galleries around the UK as well as initiating its own exhibition programme. It also assists education programmes, particularly linked to exhibitions and art projects, that benefit people of all ages.

This year the Fleming Collection, which began life initially as a few works bought to decorate the walls of the merchant bank Robert Fleming and Co, celebrates its 50th anniversary and is now recognized as one of the finest collections of Scottish art in private hands. Today the collection is owned by The Fleming-Wyfold Art Foundation which pursues a ‘Museum Without Walls’ strategy, using its collection to initiate exhibitions of Scottish Art outside Scotland. It also seeks to promote an understanding and awareness of Scottish art and creativity through exhibitions, events, publishing and education.

The Jerwood Collection is celebrating the 25th anniversary of the purchase of its first work. The purpose of the Jerwood Collection of Modern and Contemporary British art is to give public access to a privately-owned collection and enhance the understanding and enjoyment of 20th and 21st century British art. Collected by Alan Grieve (Chairman, Jerwood Foundation) the Jerwood Collection comprises just under 300 works of Modern and Contemporary British art and continues to grow with new acquisitions and donations under the direction of Lara Wardle. The collection is widely accessible through a number of initiatives including loans to national institutions and inclusion on a number of digital platforms.

The Ingram Collection is the youngest of the collections included in this exhibition and though only begun in 2002 by entrepreneur and philanthropist Chris Ingram, it already holds over 600 works across three distinct collections – The Ingram Collection of Modern British Art, Young Contemporary Talent, and Inside Out – all of which are available to borrow. It is committed to using its collection to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to be inspired by art, no matter what their location or circumstances.  In recent years, The Ingram Collection has ventured into two new areas – supporting recently graduated and emerging artists, and exploring how access to art – making it as well as seeing it – can improve outcomes for disadvantaged groups.

27 June – 6 July 2018
Mall Galleries, London SW1



Moon Landscape 1952 gouache on paper 25.1 x 35.1 cm BGT185

Moon Landscape, 1952, Gouache on paper, BGT185

Rocks 1953 gouache on paper 35.2 x 53 cm BGT2009

Rocks, 1953, Gouache on paper, BGT2009

White, Black and Terracotta 1954 oil on canvas 51 x 76 cm BGT6462 1954 BGT6407

White, Black and Terracotta, 1954, Oil on canvas, BGT6462