Scorpio Series II (June) installed at Penwith Galleries, St Ives

Scorpio Series II (June), Penwith Galleries 2017

WBG to have a permanent presence at Penwith Galleries

Scorpio Series II (June) installed at Penwith Galleries, St Ives


On 5 February 1949, at an extraordinary general meeting of the St Ives Society of Artists Chairman Leonard Fuller, Secretary David Cox, three committee members including Peter Lanyon, and a small number of largely modernist members – among them Wilhelmina Barns-Graham – resigned. On 8 February the Penwith Society of Arts in Cornwall was founded with Willie a founder member. The first Penwith Society exhibition was opened by Phyllis Bottome, in the Public Hall, 18 Fore Street; Willie showed work in this and went on to participate in all subsequent exhibitions (spring, summer, autumn, and sometimes winter) by Penwith members until her death in January 2004.


In recognition of Willie’s long standing relationship with and support of the Penwith Society of Artists the Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust proposed that she is permanently represented on the walls of the Penwith Galleries. We are delighted to announce that the concept has been accepted and as of this autumn there will be a constant display of Willie’s work installed in the gallery. The display will feature a selection of her work from throughout her career, and will be refreshed annually. In the meantime Scorpio Series II (June) highlights what is to come.