Late prints at Leyden Gallery, London

Vision in Time II, 2000, screenprint, edition of 70
Wilhelmina Barns-Graham – Late Prints at Leyden Gallery, London
A selection of late prints that Wilhelmina Barns-Graham made with Graal Press go on show in London. This group comprises the first nine editions including the Time and Sunghrie Series. These screenprints led to establishing the firm relationship with Carol Robertson and Robert Adam, who run this exceptional printmaking company, where the process came to be more collaborative than simply working to the artist’s instructions. The successful completion of these first editions, made between 1998 and 2000, was to result in Barns-Graham spending more and more time on printmaking. By the time of her death at the age of 91 in January 2004 she had produced a phenomenal eighty six images. Although most were produced in her lifetime, a collection of twenty seven were only published in 2006 in order to fully complete Ann Gunn’s book The prints of WILHELMINA BARNS-GRAHAM: a complete catalogue (Lund Humphries 2007).
Leyden Gallery, 9/9A Leyden Street, London E1 7LE. Further information at