Inspirational Journeys – Update

Barcelona Series 1, 1992, gouache on paper, 56.6 x 76 cm, BGT993

Wilhelmina Barns-Graham: Inspirational Journeys  and  St Ives: Movements in Art and LifeUPDATE

Following our first news announcement (9 April 2020) about these two exhibitions at the Royal West of England Academy  they have been unavailable to visitors since the gallery closed due to the Covid_19 pandemic. In the ensuing months the RWA have arranged to have both shows to be filmed and these short films can now be seen on the RWA web site:

Wilhelmina Barns-Graham: Inspirational Journeys

St Ives: Movements in Art and Life

Both are introduced by the RWA’s Head of Programme/Exhibitions Curator Nathalie Levi who takes us around the galleries and provides the story behind each exhibition. If you are unable to get to Bristol then you will find these a worthy substitute.