A New Chair for the Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust

Karyn Watt

The Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust welcomes a new Chair. Karyn Watt has a long standing passion for the Arts. She is a Trustee of Capital Theatres (which runs the Kings and Festival Theatres), on their Campaign Board and Project Board, a Trustee of WASPS , and sits on their Board and Project Board, and is a Trustee of Napier University Campaign Board. She has sponsored young artists at the start of their careers.

In her “day job” Karyn is head of infrastructure and a partner in the corporate and commercial team at Anderson Strathern Solicitors. She has over 30 years’ construction industry experience and is accredited by the Law Society of Scotland as a Specialist in Construction Law. She also heads up the International Sector of the Construction Scotland Industry Leadership Group, which plays a vital role in shaping the country’s economic ambitions. In recognition of her major contribution to the industry, Karyn was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Incorporation of Architects Scotland in 2013.

Karyn is also called to the New York Bar qualified and she is a qualified mediator. In relation to work,she is on the Board, Consultative Committee and drafting team of the Scottish Building Contracts Committee and is also the Scottish Panel adviser for the Scottish Contractors Group, The National Federation of Roofing Contractors and the National Association of Shopfitters, among others.

Remarkably, Karyn finds time for many other interesting pursuits . She loves travelling and frequently visits India, from where she imports jewellery. She has also written, produced and acted [badly!] in a Bollywood movie that was shown at the Cannes Film Festival. This venture raised significant funds for Lifeline Express, an Indian charity that transforms the lives of vulnerable people with limited access to healthcare by transporting surgeons to remote parts of the country by train.

Karyn replaces Geoffrey Bertram who was first elected Chair in 2005. “I have been proud to have served the Trust for so many years. I am delighted to be handing over to karyn who has the skills and enthusiasm to secure the Trust’s future” says Geoffrey. “I and all  the trustees look forward to working with her.”