A Different Way of Working – the Prints of Wilhelmina Barns-Graham

Wilhelmina (Willie) Barns-Graham made prints throughout her long career, though it was not until the last decade of her life that printmaking became an integral part of her practice.  This exhibition, curated by Ann Gunn of St Andrew University, takes an overview of her life in print.

During her early years in St Ives Willie made monotypes and linocuts, and took etching lessons at Penzance School of Art. Later on, working with a number of printmakers, she made lithographs, colour etchings and screenprints. There was always a clear relationship between the prints and her painting in terms of themes, imagery, and technique. One print technique would suit one theme; a different technique would suit another. By studying the prints and their changing subjects and styles, it is possible to follow the development of her art.  As her paintings became increasingly non-representational, so did her prints.

This film was made while the exhibition was installed at the Burton Art Gallery and Museum, Bideford, North Devon in between 25 March and 14 May, 2017.

Ann Gunn is the author of The prints of Wilhelmina Barns-Graham –  a complete catalogue, published by Lund Humphries, 2007.